I did manage to go out for a couple of runs during the last week and a half I've spent over here. I would have gone out more, but it was very cold and rainy for about 5 days. While out, I had to take a pic of this bus. They really know how to paint their buses, don't they?

When I did go out, the runs were pretty good. A couple of bridges and hills sucked the energy out of me.
While here, I was all too aware of the presence of Americans in the form of military, civilians, and contractors. How could I spot them? First, just look for a McDonalds. Second, look around for the pickup trucks with oversized tires and glass-pack mufflers or a Dale Earnhardt edition Monte Carlo. Dead giveaways. Third, the noisy jerks in the hotel going out to the clubs at midnight and coming back at 5 a.m. They have no appreciation for the fact that they aren't the only people here in the hotel and just keep talking, laughing, screaming, clomping around in their dress shoes, etc. Annoying, to say the least.
I also came to the realization that as annoying as that stupid "small world" song at Disney World is, the world is apparently smaller than I had originally though. I went onto Ramstein Air Force Base to go to the Commissary (grocery store) to get a sammich and ran into the wife of a friend of mine that I worked with in South Korea more than 20 years ago. I hadn't seen or heard from him since I left there in 1990. He's retired and working as a civilian for the Army over here. He lives about two miles from my hotel. We had dinner a couple of times, but that's about it.
Not much more I can say about my stay here other than working ten 11 hour days kind of sucks. Tomorrow is going to be a long day flying to Roma and Napoli. Hopefully I'll have some sort of Internet access and I'll be able to share some pictures of the trip. Otherwise, you'll just have to wait.
Were you able to go on the Autobahn? Is Paris part of your itinerary?
Yeah, I went on the Autobahn a few times. Believe it or not, there are speed limits there, but I did manage to open my Mercedes up to 180 KPH (about 111 MPH).
No Paris for me this time. It would have been very easy to get there by train, but I wanted to visit extended family members (my sister's in-laws) in Naples, Italy. I've been there a few times in the past, so I bumped it down on the list of places to go.
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