Saturday, December 15, 2007

Winter holiday cards

Normally I only get one or two cards but this year the two cards I received had a summary of what happened the previous year. If I were to (for some reason) send out a card with one of those, I wouldn't have enough very much to say, but it would probably sound something like this:

You may or may not know me, but I couldn't buy a small number of cards (the smallest box had 50 cards in it), so I decided to send the 43 cards that I didn't need out to random people. It would mean a lot to me if you feign interest in my life as it makes me feel like I have friends.

It's been a pretty hectic year. Actually in hindsight, it's been pretty much the same as every year. I'm still alone (over six years now. Is that a record?), but I just spent $6,000 at Great Expectations, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that spending an insane amount of money as a final sign of desperation is all it takes to find a good woman. A live-in hooker might have been cheaper, but I think that's still technically illegal
I bought a new car (a Scion XD), even though the car that I traded in on it was paid for, so maybe it wasn't the smartest thing to do. I guess I was just bored (see previous paragraph.)
I'm still working, but I can't really tell you much about it because it's a Dept. of Defense project.
I'm still running. I'm up to about 40 miles a week. I don't really have any reason to run or a particular goal other than not getting insanely fat like most people I see. Maybe I'm just bored (see three paragraphs ago).
That's about it. Whether you know me or not, I wouldn't be offended if you tried to hook me up with any single women you know (no children and no fat chicks).

Happy Winter Solstice!!