Monday, August 11, 2008

Response to a headline

My response to the USA Today headline "Bush says Olympics exceeded expectations". . . Did no one tell him that the Olympics are still going on?

If you are interested, the article is here

Thursday, August 07, 2008

The Mr. Hyde of Religion's "Dr. Jekyll"

It was written in the early 90's, but it obviously still applies today because the same religious hatred we see around the world has been going on for thousands of years.

"Anything that divides people breeds inhumanity. Religion serves that ugly purpose."

Olympic Torch Relay Created as Nazi Propoganda

Yes, you read the title correctly. That spaz Adork Hitler and his minions considered the ancient Greeks to be an early form of the Aryan race, so when they won the bid for the 1936 Olympic games, they sent the torch on a relay to show off Aryan strength or some crap like that.

You can read more here:

Of course, Wikipedia isn't known for its total accuracy, so you can do a little more research on your own.

"Concerts" followup

I asked some people I know the same question as the post below about concerts and a couple of them were really offended that I considered Billy Ray Cyrus a one-hit wonder. I decided that it was in my best interest that I not tell them that I didn't actually consider "Achy Breaky Heart" a "hit" because, basically, the song sucks ass. I merely consider it a song that a lot of people with limited musical taste listened to for a short period of time.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

A Question About Concerts

Picture this:
You're at a Lynrd Skynrd concert, it's about 1978, they come out and perform one of their hit songs. Let's say it's "Sweet Home Alabama". When the song is over, people start yelling out for another of their hits (Freebird!).

Now, fast forward, it's 1992, and you're at a Billy Ray Cyrus concert (for some unknown reason). He comes out on stage and performs "Achy Breaky Heart". What song does the crowd yell out for after that?

Monday, June 23, 2008

Senate passes expanded GI bill despite Bush, McCain opposition

Out of everyone in the senate, you'd think that McCain would want to actually "support the troops" as opposed to just using those three words in attack speeches and political rhetoric:

McCain Defends Bush's Iraq Strategy

John McCain, a war hero and a former P.O.W., is towing the :stay the course" party line:

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Morning run

I went for a longer than usual morning run (about 11.6 miles vs. my normal 10.25 miles). For some real reason I didn't see as many broken bottles on the road this morning, but I did see a dead snake, a couple of dead armadillos, a dead vulture, and a plastic Nesquik bottle. I also saw what was left of an armadillo, and although it smelled pretty bad, it was kind of cool that the only thing that was left was the hard shell. The buzzards and other members of nature's cleaning crew devoured the rest.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Running thoughts

Before anyone asks, the title is a play on words that not only describes how my mind wanders, but how it wanders while I'm running. The last few times I've been on long weekend runs (10 + miles), I couldn't help but notice all of the garbage (or just strange things) along the road and it distracts me from the latest Korn album that I have blaring on my iPod. To give you an idea, here are a few things I saw this morning:

  • At least 20 broken bottles, most of which weren't there last weekend
  • A half empty 20 oz. Mountain Dew Code Red (I guess they didn't like it)
  • A mostly full 2 liter Coke
  • A dead squirrel being picked at by a couple of buzzards
  • A (presumably) used condom (I didn't stop to inspect it)
  • An unknown quantity of Burger King, McDonald's, Sonic, and Starbucks containers
  • People that don't understand that the car they are driving doesn't belong in the bicycle lane that I'm running towards them in.
  • People that don't know how to look left to see if maybe, just maybe, there is a pedestrian there about to run in front of them before they merge into traffic
  • A lot of commercial aircraft flying into Orlando airport.
  • A state trooper that has pulled someone over (but I still say they are never around when you need one)
  • Really, really fat people in really, really big vehicles
  • Dozens of nails
  • Dozens of very large bolts with washers attached
Anyway, you get the idea. Not even Trent Reznor's latest Nine Inch Nails album can grab my attention long enough to ebb the flow of thoughts in my chaotic mind.

I once asked someone about clearing their mind. She was supposedly into meditation and I asked her how it was possible to have clear thoughts. She didn't understand what I was talking about so I went on to explain to her that when I try to clear my mind, I am very aware of the fact that I'm trying to clear my mind. I go from trying to think about nothing to thinking about trying to think about nothing. The next thing you know, my inner monologue is singing the words to a song by Pink Floyd or the Offspring for no apparent reason. She really had nothing to say other than "wow".

I can't begin to tell you the number of problems this has caused me in the past and will continue to cause until the day I die (which will hopefully be before I become dependent on others to survive). The only thing I can do is ask "why am I here" and get on with my boring day.