Monday, August 11, 2008

Response to a headline

My response to the USA Today headline "Bush says Olympics exceeded expectations". . . Did no one tell him that the Olympics are still going on?

If you are interested, the article is here

Thursday, August 07, 2008

The Mr. Hyde of Religion's "Dr. Jekyll"

It was written in the early 90's, but it obviously still applies today because the same religious hatred we see around the world has been going on for thousands of years.

"Anything that divides people breeds inhumanity. Religion serves that ugly purpose."

Olympic Torch Relay Created as Nazi Propoganda

Yes, you read the title correctly. That spaz Adork Hitler and his minions considered the ancient Greeks to be an early form of the Aryan race, so when they won the bid for the 1936 Olympic games, they sent the torch on a relay to show off Aryan strength or some crap like that.

You can read more here:

Of course, Wikipedia isn't known for its total accuracy, so you can do a little more research on your own.

"Concerts" followup

I asked some people I know the same question as the post below about concerts and a couple of them were really offended that I considered Billy Ray Cyrus a one-hit wonder. I decided that it was in my best interest that I not tell them that I didn't actually consider "Achy Breaky Heart" a "hit" because, basically, the song sucks ass. I merely consider it a song that a lot of people with limited musical taste listened to for a short period of time.