Sunday, August 15, 2004


The hurricane (Charley) completely missed us.  We had more rain the day after the storm passed than while it was reeking havoc south and east of here.  16 people died, but mainly because they didn't evacuate their trailers (no, really).


Friday, August 13, 2004

Storm update (4:00 p.m.)

Fortunately for the Tampa Bay area, it looks like the storm will be going onshore south of us and headed towards Orlando.  It's winds are about 145 miles per hour, so good news for us, but bad for Sanibel Island and areas just south of Sarasota.

It hasn't really rained here at all other than a few light rain storms, but the sky is getting a little darker.


Storm day

Hurricane Charley is bearing down on us.  The first major feeder band is just South of here, so within the next hour or so, it's gonna start getting bad.

I'll try to keep posting, but if the power goes out that will obviously be difficult.