Friday, September 10, 2004

No more storms, please!!!

Ok, four hurricanes missed us here in the Tampa Bay area, but those same four storms reaked havoc in other parts of Florida. One right after the other. If you're really interested in seeing what happened during the Hurricane Season in 2k4, go to

Sunday, August 15, 2004


The hurricane (Charley) completely missed us.  We had more rain the day after the storm passed than while it was reeking havoc south and east of here.  16 people died, but mainly because they didn't evacuate their trailers (no, really).


Friday, August 13, 2004

Storm update (4:00 p.m.)

Fortunately for the Tampa Bay area, it looks like the storm will be going onshore south of us and headed towards Orlando.  It's winds are about 145 miles per hour, so good news for us, but bad for Sanibel Island and areas just south of Sarasota.

It hasn't really rained here at all other than a few light rain storms, but the sky is getting a little darker.


Storm day

Hurricane Charley is bearing down on us.  The first major feeder band is just South of here, so within the next hour or so, it's gonna start getting bad.

I'll try to keep posting, but if the power goes out that will obviously be difficult.


Monday, July 19, 2004

Running in the rain

For some reason I couldn't get into the gym here at the Apartment complex yesterday, so I had to go running outside.  It was early in the morning so it wasn't too hot, but I checked the weather RADAR (and I looked up in the sky) and figured that it would be raining within 10 minutes.  Sure enough. . .7 minutes later it stated pouring down.  Fortunately I didn't bring my MP3 player, so the only thing that got wet was me.  It rained on and off for the next 45 minutes, but I managed to get a good 4.5 mile run in.  I think my shoes are still wet though.

Thursday, July 01, 2004

Bus Thoughts

I've been trying to ride the bus to school lately and it is a learning experience all its own. One thing I've learned is that 99.9% of the people that ride the bus are so poor that they can't afford a car. The other thing I've learned is that people are really fucking lazy. I see people stand in one spot for 20-30 minutes so they can ride the bus (for $1.50) just to go two blocks away. Also, let's say that someone plans on getting off the bus at point B, but someone else gets off at point A about 75 meters before B. A is so close to B that you can actually read the route numbers at stop B from stop A. Anyway, instead of getting off at A and walking the rest of the way, they force us to endure an unnecessary stop because they are too damn lazy to walk a little farther.

Ok, sure, some people can't walk that much because of heart problems or whatever, but that doesn't apply to everyone I've seen do it.

Oh the joy of public transportation.

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

It's been a while

I know, I know, it's been a while since I've posted a message. My blog has become a bit stagnant (like most blogs), but it's mostly because I'm either not near a computer when a thought strikes me or nothing interesting happens

Anyhoo, I've been wallowing in my own misery (again) for the last couple of months. Depressed about school (will it ever end), the lack of free time (and money), lack of a good woman (hell, I'd settle for a bad one right now) in my life, etc. A friend of mine, as well as relatives, put the blame squarely on me for my solitude. I suppose that they still don't understand that some people are just in the wrong place at the wrong time every single fucking day.

Here's a good example. I was eating at a Chik-Fil-A last night before going to a study group (I'll get back to the study group). It's pretty noisy due to two tables of kids. One of the tables clears out and I say to the really cute blonde chick in front of me "wow, it got quiet after they left." She smiles and says "now we need to get rid of the rest of them." After the other table clears out, we start talking and she doesn't want kids. I was ready to ask her to marry me right there, but I kept my cool and the conversation going. She has been having the same problem as I have of finding someone that doesn't want kids, but the inevitable "the guy I'm seeing now. . ." eventually came out. I tried to at least swap phone numbers (so she can keep me in her queue in case she gets bored with the current guy), but she didn't want to do that. I can see that it COULD cause problems if the dude found out about me, but I was heart broken. I went from "this is the one" to "my life sucks even more now" within a matter of seconds.

Sometimes I wish I were dead.

Sunday, February 08, 2004

Friggin' Bible Bangers

This really happened, but for some reason, the news services took it off their web sites:

American Airlines Pilot Plugs Christianity

NEW YORK - An American Airlines pilot asked Christians on his flight to identify themselves and suggested the non-Christians discuss the faith with them, the airline said.

The case was handed over to the airline's personnel department for an investigation, spokesman Tim Wagner said Sunday.

"It falls along the lines of a personal level of sharing that may not be appropriate for one of our employees to do while on the job," he said earlier.

American's Flight 34 was headed from Los Angeles to New York's John F. Kennedy Airport on Friday when the pilot asked Christians on board to raise their hands, Wagner said.

The pilot, whose name was not released, told the airline that he then suggested the other passengers use the flight time to talk to the Christians about their faith, Wagner said.

Passenger Amanda Nelligan told WCBS-TV of New York that the pilot called non-Christians "crazy" and that his comments "felt like a threat." She said she and several others aboard were so worried they tried to call relatives on their cell phones before flight attendants assured them they were safe and that people on the ground had been notified about the pilot's comments.

The pilot also told passengers he would be available for discussion at the end of the flight. Wagner said the pilot had just returned to work from a weeklong mission trip to Costa Rica.

Because of privacy issues, there would likely never be any announcement about what kind of punishment or reprimand the pilot may face, Wagner said. The pilot was not scheduled to fly during the weekend, he said.


Now, some of you may be saying "so what, he's just preaching the word of God. He isn't hurting anyone." Turn that around and say, I don't know, an Atheist were to come over the intercom and say "Christians are crazy" and that people should learn to think for themselves instead of believing in a non-existent God.

If you don't want to go to that extreme, how about an Agnostic saying "Christians are crazy because they don't know that there IS a god any more than I know that there isn't. If you are a Christian, you should listen to an Agnostic and learn to think for yourselves." That's not hurting anyone either, is it?

Friday, January 30, 2004

One more semester down

Only four more to go. This one is starting out pretty rough too. The professors aren't giving too much or too difficult information, but one of them isn't giving us enough information as to what he will expect out of our applications.