Monday, June 23, 2008

Senate passes expanded GI bill despite Bush, McCain opposition

Out of everyone in the senate, you'd think that McCain would want to actually "support the troops" as opposed to just using those three words in attack speeches and political rhetoric:

McCain Defends Bush's Iraq Strategy

John McCain, a war hero and a former P.O.W., is towing the :stay the course" party line:

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Morning run

I went for a longer than usual morning run (about 11.6 miles vs. my normal 10.25 miles). For some real reason I didn't see as many broken bottles on the road this morning, but I did see a dead snake, a couple of dead armadillos, a dead vulture, and a plastic Nesquik bottle. I also saw what was left of an armadillo, and although it smelled pretty bad, it was kind of cool that the only thing that was left was the hard shell. The buzzards and other members of nature's cleaning crew devoured the rest.