Saturday, September 20, 2003

Changing History

Let me begin by saying that I'm not planning on killing anyone!!! This is merely a blog based on a conversation I had with someone recently.

In the movie "The Dead Zone", Christopher Walken's character knew two things: 1) He was going to die very soon, and 2) Martin Sheen's character was going to become president and start a Nuculear (not nuculur like our current preacher-in-chief says) war.

When Walken figures these two things out, he asks his (Jewish) doctor that if he could go back in time, would he kill Hitler before he came to power. Even if it meant he was going to die. Without giving too much away, Walken decides to try to kill Sheen, thereby saving the world from nuculear war and a bunch of bad movies and a TV show (where Sheen plays the President. . .huh, that's weird).

Anyhoo, the conversation I had with my friend was that put in that situation, who would you kill? It would have to be someone relatively accessible, so Bin Laden and Hussein are out of the question.

I guess that (to me, anyway), this is one of those things that I can't possibly answer unless I'm actually put in that situation. Mainly because I'm not a violent person and feel that everyone would be a lot better off if we would just learn to accept everyone's differences and figure out a way to think AND act globally (i.e. controlling population) and learn how to use technology to improve our learning capacity.

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