Saturday, December 15, 2007

Winter holiday cards

Normally I only get one or two cards but this year the two cards I received had a summary of what happened the previous year. If I were to (for some reason) send out a card with one of those, I wouldn't have enough very much to say, but it would probably sound something like this:

You may or may not know me, but I couldn't buy a small number of cards (the smallest box had 50 cards in it), so I decided to send the 43 cards that I didn't need out to random people. It would mean a lot to me if you feign interest in my life as it makes me feel like I have friends.

It's been a pretty hectic year. Actually in hindsight, it's been pretty much the same as every year. I'm still alone (over six years now. Is that a record?), but I just spent $6,000 at Great Expectations, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that spending an insane amount of money as a final sign of desperation is all it takes to find a good woman. A live-in hooker might have been cheaper, but I think that's still technically illegal
I bought a new car (a Scion XD), even though the car that I traded in on it was paid for, so maybe it wasn't the smartest thing to do. I guess I was just bored (see previous paragraph.)
I'm still working, but I can't really tell you much about it because it's a Dept. of Defense project.
I'm still running. I'm up to about 40 miles a week. I don't really have any reason to run or a particular goal other than not getting insanely fat like most people I see. Maybe I'm just bored (see three paragraphs ago).
That's about it. Whether you know me or not, I wouldn't be offended if you tried to hook me up with any single women you know (no children and no fat chicks).

Happy Winter Solstice!!


Vivian said...

So funny :-) Your blogs are entertaining even when they're a year old. I think I'm going backwards on this. At least it's keeping me entertained at 11 pm on a Sunday night. Great Expectations--haircut place? That's what we have here in Vegas.

Unknown said...

Great Expectations is a "matchmaking service", but they have actual people helping you. It sucks. After two years, they matched me up with two women. What is it with this obsession with having kids?

Unknown said...

I'll back track a little bit on that last statement by explaining what I meant. 99% of the women I've met or been exposed to want kids. Even those women that have kids and are in their 30's, 40's, and even 50's. Why? I don't believe in the whole "maternal instinct" thing. I think that society has driven it into people, especially girls at a very young age, that they must have babies. By the time a girl can walk, they have strollers for their dolls. It isn't long before they want the real thing and that's the beginning of the lifelong obsession with babies.

Vivian said...

There are alot of women that want nothing to do with having kids; then you have those that shouldn't have kids; then you have those that want kids but can't have any. Sad isn't it? I'm 40 now and there's no way I would want to start all over again. It's time for me to live my life, although I must admit that when I see a baby I get this mushy feeling. Maybe we're just born with it. Maybe Great Expect. thinks you'll be a great dad? :-)

Unknown said...

It's not Great Expectations, most women I've met and encountered want kids. I find it kind of weird. :-D