Friday, July 06, 2007

Final Second Life entry

I forgot to make an entry after I abandoned SL, so here are my final comments on the application (for now at least).

I did meet a few cool people there, but everything was so oriented towards the sex industry (there are an inordinate number of transsexual prostitutes there). Once you meet a friend or two, then what. You hang out at someone's house, go to an overcrowded night club (the more people there, the slower everything runs), or just fly around exploring stuff.

If you are a little creative, you can try to build stuff, but land is pretty expensive so you might want to reconsider spending a lot of time building a house.

So, I transferred all of my transferable stuff to people I knew, gave my money to a club I would sometimes hang out in, and canceled my account. If SL goes more mainstream, maybe I'll go back, but I just think that with the current trend, it will not be sustainable.

1 comment:

Vivian said...

My friend tried to get me to join SL--and I tried--more than once--but I just couldn't get "into" it. I was a HUGE fan of Sims Online...miss it soooo much. Absolutely loved building and being creative. Sigh. I hope they bring it back. I hated SL. Sex surrounds it ugghhh!