Monday, July 24, 2006

Specter prepping bill to sue Bush

(Republican) Senator Arlen Specter is going to try to stop Bush's "Signing Statements," which is are yet another violation of the "checks and balances" system that the U.S. Government is supposed to have.

If you aren't familiar with what a signing statement is, when Bush signs a bill into law, he puts a note like "I don't have to comply with this law." So, Bush doesn't agree with a law, he signs it with a signing statement thereby altering the actual letter of the law and preventing any sort of veto override by Congress.

You know, It's kind of like crossing your fingers when you tell a lie.

For those of you that say "other presidents have done this before". Sure, but to compare the last successful U.S. President with Bush, Clinton only used it around 80 times while Bush is already over 110.

I've also read that there are more than 800 specific items that he has put into signing statements while all other Presidents combined have only used about 600. I'll try to find a link. . .
Here's more info:
The American Bar Association has denounced the signing statements.

It also compares the volume of statements as I mentioned before

read more | digg story

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